
From bedside to bench and back

The institute conducts scientific research with the aim of improving human health. The work begins by taking stock of the problems that patients face, then moves to experimental models – at the cellular and molecular level – and then the focus returns to patients.
Researchers study all components of drugs, identify organisms’ mechanisms of action, the causes of the onset of diseases and organisms’ responses to drugs exposure. The institute also evaluates the efficacy of health interventions, and of training and information dissemination activities aimed at the general public.

Departments & laboratories

The Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research IRCCS comprises 10 departments: 8 are locatedat the headquarters in Milan and 2 are in the headquarters in Bergamo and Ranica (BG). In addition to its experimental research, the institute carries out intensive clinical research that involves designing, coordinating and participating in numerous clinical trials and creating and managing disease registers.

The Research Center for ALS

The Research Center for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS Center) brings together the groups that are involved in ALS research from an epidemiological, preclinicaland translational point of view.

Centre for Health Economics (CESAV)

The centre is involved in health economics and health policy research. The main areas of research are: Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs and Comparative Health Policy Analysis.

Mass Spectrometry Centre for health and for environment

The Centre promotes and facilitates interdisciplinary research for health and the environment, using mass spectrometry technologies.

Center for health regulatory policies

The Center promotes independent clinical research and evaluates and discusses clinical research methodology, pharmaceutical legislation and health policies, to highlight their limitations and propose useful solutions to the public.

Clinical Research Centre for Rare Diseases
"Aldo e Cele Daccò"

Over the years the Mario Negri Institute has created a vast network of collaborations, involving clinical centers, general medical associations, hospitals and universities. This led to important research projects.

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Clinical Trial Registry

The register of clinical trials was created in 2011. The main aims of the register are:
- to ensure transparent and accessible information on clinical research conducted by the Institute
- to promote trial registration and research collaboration among researchers


Disease Registries


The Registry collects clinical data and biological samples of subjects with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) and C3 glomerulopathy (C3G),   and of their family members, in order to study biochemical and genetic  abnormalities  and improve the possibility of treatment.


The Registry collects clinical data and biological samples of subjects with atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (PTT), and of their family members, with the aim of studying  biochemical  and genetic  abnormalities  and improving the possibility of treatment.


Registry collects clinical data and biological samples of subjects with Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome (SRNS), and of their family members, with the aim of studying genetic abnormalities and improving the possibility of treatment.


The Registry collects, in an organized multicenter structure, the data of all patients from Lombardy who were diagnosed with ALS from 1998 to 2002.



Over the years the Mario Negri Institute has created a vast network of collaborations, involving clinical centers, general medical associations, hospitals and universities. This led to important research projects.

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Activities that support research

Animal care unit

The Animal Care Unit ensures that all experiments carried out on laboratory animals are conducted t in compliance with current legislation and according to widely shared international criteria.

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Biological Resources Center

Established in 2014 by the Departments of Oncology and Cardiovascular Research, the Mario Negri Institute Biological Resources Center (BRC) collects and stores biological samples and related data for the purposes of biomedical research.

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Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs for Clinical Studies activity

The Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs for Clinical Studies Activity ensures that all clinical studies are conducted according to current regulations.

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Pharmacovigilance Service for Clinical Studies

The objective of the Pharmacovigilance Service for Clinical Studies is to quantify and qualify adverse events and all safety risks that arise during a clinical trial.

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Scientific Publications


scientific publications
updated on 01/26/2023


articles with impact factor
since 1996 to 01/26/2023


total impact factor
since 1996 to 01/26/2023

The impact factor (Impact Factor or IF) measures the frequency with which a scientific article is taken over in a given year by other journals. It is the most common method for empirically assessing the importance and credibility of these journals.

Recent publications


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