Istituto / Alumni Association

Mario Negri Institute Alumni Association

Round tables and conferences
Scholarships and degree awards

The Alumni Association is a not-for-profit organization whose aim is to foster the culture of scientific research through:

• the organization of conferences, seminars and round tables

• the creation of scholarships for young researchers and technicians who want to specialize in biomedical sciences at the Institute’s premises or, later, abroad

• the award of degree prizes for subjects of particular importance to public health

• the development of scientific and cultural contacts between people who have spent even part of their career at one of the headquarters of the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research

Tel. +39 0239014507
fax: +39 02/39014737


Luisa Airoldi
Sergio Algeri
Valentina Benedetti
Alberto Bianchetti
Isabella Bordogna
Barbara Bottazzi
Giuditta Bricchi
Daniele Busetto
Lavinia Cantoni
Paolo Cappella
Paola Cassis
Giovanni Cazzaniga
Silvia Castellani
Stefano Cavanus
Chiara Cerletti
Chiara Chiabrando
Mauro Cimino
Francesco Colotta
Susanna Cotecchia
Lida Dal Bo
Maria Grazia De Simoni
Ersilia Carla Dolfini
Roberto Fanelli
Cristina Foddi
Miriam Galbusera
Mara Goegan 
Giuliano Grignaschi
Vincenzo Guardabasso
Claudio Guida
Armanda Jori 
Tiziana Mennini 
Elena Monti Tattoni 
Paolo Morazzoni
Laura Ottolenghi
Maria Adele Pacciarini
Silvio Paglialunga
Lara Paracchini
Mariuccia Pezzoni
Vanna Pistotti
Elena Poggesi
Nadia Polentarutti
Martino Recchia
Rosa Respighi
Maurizio Rocchetti
Cinzia Rota
Ariel Davide Segre
Giulio Serra
Annunciata Vecchi
Pia Villa
Silvia Villa
Carlamaria Zoja

Honorary members
Claudio Pantarotto
Benedetto Saraceno
Giovanni De Gaetano
Benedetta Donati
Alberto Mantovani


Armanda Jori

Vice Presidents

Alberto Bianchetti
Martino Recchia

General Secretary
Tiziana Mennini


Maurizio Rocchetti

Marina Ferrari

Sergio Algeri
Stefano Cavanus
Maria Grazia De Simoni
Lia Dolfini
Giuliano Grignaschi
Laura Ottolenghi
Vanna Spistotti
Martino Recchia
Davide Segre
Carlamaria Zoja

Round tables and conferences

To meet its statutory commitments, MNIAA has organized round tables over the years on topics of great interest and relevance in the field of biomedicine, all aimed at the general public.


Round Table "Microplastics, a problem for the environment and health"


Round Table "Nutrition and microbiota for our health"

Round Table "Long-term effects after Covid-19 infection"


Round Table "Telemedicine: the healthcare of the future?"


Round Table "Climate change and health impacts"

Scholarships and degree awards

The Institute supports young people who want to embark on the path of research through the award of annual scholarships and offers an incentive to start-ups Graduates through the awarding of Degree Awards.

Scholarship 2018
Claudia Tregnago, Prize for research on "Relapses of myeloid leukemia in children".

Scholarship 2019

Eleonora Allocati, Scholarship at the University of Strathclyde Institute of pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (Glasgow,UK). Title " Innovative techniques for the monitoring of biological drugs and their similarities in clinical practice".

Scholarship 2020

Luca Russo, Award for the activity carried out during the period of Covid-19 lockdown "Synthesis and characterization of peptides, possible interferences of the penetration of Covid-19 into human cells";

Nicolo Panini, Award for the activity carried out during the period of Covid-19 lockdown "Contribution to research on liposarcoma and scientific technical assisenza available for all laboratories".

Scholarship 2021

Giada Lavigna, Award for publication as the first author of the work "Doxycycline rescues recognition memory and Circadian motor rhythmicity but does not prevent terminal disease in fatal familial Insomnia mice".

Scholarship 2023

Ilaria Mengoli, for the stay abroad related to the research project "New strategies to overcome the resistance of ovarian cancer to anticancer therapies".

Rossella Di Sapia,   for the stay abroad related to the project:  "Research on neurological deficits from subaracnoid bleeding"

Becoming a member

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