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Medical Epidemiology

Head of Department
Dipartimento di Ricerca Epidemiologia Medica
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Senior Advisor
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The Medical Epidemiology Department’s research is aimed at understanding the factors that influence the health of individuals and entire populations in order to design effective interventions to respond to health needs. Special emphasis is placed assessment of the quality of care, to continuously improve patient care and also on prevention in order to reduce the risks of catching diseases.


  • Information, training, and opportunities for debate for health and social care workers and the general population
  • Contribute to the improvement of health care in different medical fields through multicentre data collection
  • Study and application of technologies for data collection and analysis in intensive care units
  • Evaluation of the diagnostic-therapeutic pathways of children with chronic pathologies (asthma, epilepsy, neuropsychiatric disorders)
  • Study of the main avoidable risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases (particularly, COVID-19) or disabilities (such as tinnitus)


  • monitoring and epidemiological evaluation of the use, and effects, of drugs and vaccines
  • evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic pathways carried out in the paediatric population for neuropsychiatric disorders
  • interventions in the general hospital and primary care practices
  • analysis of the socio-sanitary variables related to health status, with a focus on children
  • transfer of health information to the community
  • development of information models and training courses
  • organization of consensus conferences, citizen juries, guidelines, register, ad-hoc surveys with associations, research on the knowledge/attitudes/behaviours of citizens, patients, and associations, disease registries, and literature reviews
  • evaluation of the type and quality of disease and treatment information provided
  • research on the best ways to disseminate information on health and on the results of scientific research
  • development and improvement of decision aids and internet websites
  • assessment of intensive care interventions
  • development of mathematical models for the study of pathophysiology in the critical patient
  • development of databases and platforms for sharing data in clinical research. Management of legal, technological and scientific issues to guarantee patient privacy
  • probabilistic models that permit the evaluation and continuous improvement of clinical activities
  • development of informatics technologies aimed at supporting the management of information and clinical knowledge in all its phases, from the manual or automatic collection of data to the redistribution of new knowledge
  • design, conduction, and statistical analysis of observational epidemiological studies on the influence of a wide array of risk factors on specific diseases and conditions such as allergies and nosocomial or other types of infections
  • conduction and analysis of case-control and cohort studies to quantify the association between lifestyles and environmental factors and the risk of disease
  • population-based cross-sectional studies for the monitoring of tobacco smoking, e-cigarette and heated tobacco product use, alcohol consumption, obesity, and other risk factors
  • systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies using an innovative and original method for searching publications

  • Creation of an ADHD in children registry that has led to a reduction in the use of medicines
  • Creation of birth cohort of 5,000 children born (NASCITA) representative of the Italian reality by geographical distribution. Children were followed for the first three years of life. This cohort makes it possible to monitor the growth, development, and health status of Italian children, identifying certain "critical" factors that can compromise their health
  • Quality improvement in the intensive care departments of Italian hospitals thanks to interventions that have led to a decrease in mortality

Current projects

Ricerca Finalizzata - RF-2016-02364584 - MUSE: understanding the Mechanisms Underlying the Selection and spread of carbapenemresistant Enterobacteriaceae in intensive care units. A multicenter clinical-epidemiological study coupled with molecular characterization.

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute, DG Ricerca e Innovazione in Sanità

Research area: Terapia intensiva, studio clinico-epidemiologico

Ricerca Finalizzata - RF-2016-02364582 -REMIND: REal Matters IN Developmental psychopathology. A 15 years followup study of risk and resilience factors and outcomes from childhood to adulthood

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute, DG Ricerca e Innovazione in Sanità

Research area: Psicopatologia dello sviluppo

Italian multiple sclerosis and related disorders register

Sponsor: Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla FISM

Research area: Sclerosi multipla

Ricerca Finalizzata – RF-2019-12371228 – Transition care between adolescent and adult services for young people with chronic health needs in Italy

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute

Research area: Percorsi assistenziali

eCREAM - enabling Clinical Research in Emergency and Acute care Medicine through automated data extraction

Sponsor: Commissione Europea Bando HORIZON EUROPE (contratto n. 101057726)

Research area: Emergenza - Urgenza

UNITI - Unification of treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus patients

Sponsor: Commissione Europea

Research area: Acufene

IG AIRC - The role of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products on tobacco control and their impact on cancer and health in Italy

Sponsor: AIRC

Research area: Controllo del tabagismo

MFAG - Cancer incidence and mortality attributable to cigarette smoking in Italy: risks and impact of tobacco control strategies

Sponsor: AIRC

Research area: Tumori

Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC) 2

Sponsor: Commissione Europea (European Commission)

Research area: Controllo del tabagismo (Tobacco Control)

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Head of Department
Dipartimento di Ricerca Epidemiologia Medica
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Senior Advisor
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