The center promotes and facilitates interdisciplinary scientific research for health and for the environment using mass spectrometry-based technologies.
The center manages the mass-spectrometry instrumentation in such a way as to harmonize its use according to personnel, technologies, and available economic resources.
Agilent 5975C EIMSD with head-space sampler
Agilent 5973 EI/CI MSD with EI/CI ion sources
Thermo Finnigan Mat 95 XP Dioxin
Agilent 6410 - triple quadrupole MS
Sciex API 5500 - triple quadrupole MS
Shimadzu LC/MC 8060 - triple quadrupole MS
ThermoScientific - LTQ XL Orbitrap
ThermoScientific - Orbitrap Q Exactive
AB Sciex4800 TOF/TOF
AB Sciex 4800 TOF/TOF – vacuum MALDI
Themo Orbitrap Q Exactive - atmospheric pressure MALDI
SunChrom - Sun Collect Matrix Sprayer
Open Source Arduino - based IMatrix Sprayer
EASY-FIA is a data preprocessing free software that has been created for researchers working in the field of untarget metabolomics using Flow Injection Analysis High resolution Mass Spectrometry (FIA-HRMS). EASY-FIA is a standalone MATLAB application that provides the user a GUI to set parameters for the elaboration and to keep track of the ongoing processes; importantly it does not require programming expertise. The application retrieves the data (csv files of samples and the relative blanks) generated by any high-resolution mass spectrometers. EASY-FIA performs blank subtraction, m/z alignment and identification based on the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB).
Software availability
The compressed archive which contains EASY-FIA executable code and instruction manual is protected by a password. Whoever wishes to download the software is requested to send an e-mail to
- Giordano S, Morosi L, Veglianese P, Licandro SA, Frapolli R, Zucchetti M, Cappelletti G, Falciola L, Pifferi V, Visentin S, D’Incalci M, Davoli E. 3D Mass Spectrometry Imaging Reveals a Very Heterogeneous Drug Distribution in Tumors. Sci Rep 2016, 6, 37027.
- Davoli E, Zucchetti M, Matteo C, Ubezio P, D'Incalci M, Morosi L. The space dimension at the micro level: mass spectrometry imaging of drugs in tissues . Mass Spectrom Rev 2021, 40, 201–214.
- Giordano S, Takeda S, Donadon M, Saiki H, Brunelli L, Pastorelli R, Cimino M, Soldani C, Franceschini B, Di Tommaso L, Lleo A, Yoshimura K, Nakajima H, Torzilli G, Davoli E. Rapid automated diagnosis of primary hepatic tumour by mass spectrometry and artificial intelligence. Liver Int 2020 ; 40 : 3117-3124.

- Caiola E, Colombo M, Sestito G, Lupi M, Marabese M, Pastorelli R, Broggini M, Brunelli L. Glutaminase Inhibition on NSCLC Depends on Extracellular AlanineExploitation. Cells. 2020 Jul 23;9(8):E1766.
- Davoli E, Zucchetti M, Matteo C, Ubezio P, D'Incalci M, Morosi L. The space dimension at the micro level: mass spectrometry imaging of drugs in tissues . Mass Spectrom Rev 2021, 40, 201–214.
- Caiola E, Falcetta F, Giordano S, Marabese M, Garassino MC, Broggini M, Pastorelli R, Brunelli R. Co-occurring KRAS mutation/LKB1 loss in non-small cell lung cancer cells results in enhanced metabolic activity susceptible to caloric restriction: an in vitro integrated multilevel approach. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2018. 37:302.

- Bagnati R, Terzaghi E, Passoni A, Davoli E, Fattore E, Maspero A, Palmisano G, Zanardini E, Borin S, Di Guardo A. Identification of Sulfonated and Hydroxy-Sulfonated Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Metabolites in Soil: New Classes of Intermediate Products of PCB Degradation? Environ. Sci.Technol. 2019, 53 (18), 10601–10611.
- Passoni A, Favagrossa M, Colombo L, Bagnati R, Gobbi M, Diomede L, Birolini G, Di Paolo E, Valenza M, Cattaneo E, Salmona M. Efficacy of Cholesterol Nose-to-Brain Delivery for Brain Targeting in Huntington’s Disease. ACS Chem Neurosci 2020, 11 (3), 367–372.
- Bagnati R, Davoli E. Analytical methods for the detection of illicit drugs in wastewaters and surface waters In: Illicit drugs in the environment: Occurrence, analysis, and fate using mass spectrometry. Wiley, Hoboken 2011

- Teoldi F, Lodi M, Benfenati E, Colombo A, Baderna D. Air quality in the Olona Valley and in vitro human health effects. Sci Total Environ 2017; 579: 1929-1939.
- Colombo A, Bettinetti R, Strona G, Cambria F, Fanelli R, Zubair Z, Galli P. Maldives: Anarchipelago that burns. A first survey of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs from human activities. Sci Total Environ 2014 ; 497-498 : 499-50.
- Colombo A, Benfenati E, Bugatti SG, Lodi M, Mariani A, Musmeci L, Rotella G, Senese V Ziemacki G, Fanelli R. PCDD/Fs and PCBs in ambient air in a highly industrialized city in Northern Italy. Chemosphere 2013: 90: 2352-2357.