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Acute Brain and Cardiovascular Injury

R. Zanier
Head of Department
Dipartimento di Ricerca Danno Cerebrale e Cardiovascolare Acuto
Department Assistant
Dipartimento di Ricerca Danno Cerebrale e Cardiovascolare Acuto
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor
Dipartimento di Ricerca Danno Cerebrale e Cardiovascolare Acuto

The Department of Acute Brain and Cardiovascular Injury investigates brain and cardiological conditions, including epilepsia, traumatic brain injury, stroke and cardiac arrest aiming at improving the disease course and prognosis.

Brain and vascular damage associated with these conditions leads to severe chronic cognitive and/or motor impairment and/or recurrent epileptic seizures in a high percentage of patients.

Developing therapies for these patients is, therefore, a priority.


The aim of the Department is to develop preclinical models and foster the interaction between laboratory and clinical activities, to:

  • Describe the pathogenic mechanisms of acute brain and cardiovascular injuries, define disease-associated endophenotypes and identify potential drug targets;
  • Develop therapies for acute brain and cardiovascular damage and its chronic sequelae;
  • Establish a preclinical biorepository in line with the goal of identifying new biomarkers, or exploring new mechanisms by reducing the use of animals for research;
  • Contribute to the scientific training of early career basic scientists and clinicians in the field of critical care and neuroscience.


  • In vitro and in vivo models of acute brain injuries;
  • Histological, biochemical and molecular biology approaches;
  • Brightfield, confocal and super-resolution microscopy techniques;
  • Processing and analysis of brain images from in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance and microscopy;
  • Analysis of biomarkers by ultra-sensitive techniques;
  • Video-electroencephalography and electrophysiology;
  • High definition ecocardiography, electrocardiogram and invasive hemodynamics
  • Behavioral tests;
  • Development of cell therapies in both experimental and clinical settings;
  • Phase I-II clinical trials in the field of cardiovascular medicine, epilepsy and traumatic brain injury.
  • Observational studies in collaboration with a large network of general practitioners
  • ISO9001 certified Biobank, whose material derives from different patient cohorts, for a total of more than 30000 subjects
  • Identification of new biomarkers and systemic drug targets for ischemic stroke;
  • Development of cell therapy for severe traumatic brain injury.
  • Halving of heart attack related mortality – GISSI study, performed with the participation of 90% of Italian Coronary Units
  • Identification of new genes responsible for the development of coronary heart disease

Current projects

Functional and structural cerebrovascular alterations in neurological disorders: the role of complement (VASCO)

Sponsor: Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica, Regione Lombardia

Research Area: Neuroinfiammazione e ictus ischemico

Blood markers of post-traumatic epilepsy prediction and electrophysiological biomarkers of early PTE detection

Sponsor: Department of Defense, USA-funded study (W81XWH-15-2-0069

Research Area: Trauma cranico, epilessia e neuroinfiammazione

Early mechanistic BIOmarkers for late Epilepsy and long-term Brain Injury

Sponsor: ERA-NET NEURON (Call for Joint Transnational Research Projects 2019, TRANSLATIONAL BIOMARKERS IN BRAIN DISORDERS)

Research Area: Epilessia e neuroinfiammazione

Prospective preclinical and clinical studies of gut microbiota, intestinal barrier, and related blood metabolites, following traumatic brain injury for developing prognostic biomarkers of chronic neurological sequelae, and for identifying targets to prevent the progressive evolution of brain injury and the chronic disabilities

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute - Unione Europea (NextGenerationEU)-2-0069)

Research Area: Trauma cranico, microbiota

Mesenchymal stromal cells for TBI – clinical trial

Sponsor: Fondazione regionale per la ricerca (FRRB) e Ministero della Salute Ricerca Finalizzata

Research Area: neuroprotezione e trauma cranico

Progetti di Rete IRCCS - Rete Cardiologica - Digital strategies in primary cardiovascular prevention in the Italian population (CV PREVITAL)

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute, DG Ricerca e Innovazione in Sanità

Research Area: Prevenzione cardiovascolare

Mechanisms accounting for brain protection by argon following resuscitation from cardiac arrest

Sponsor: Laerdal Foundation, Norvegia

Research Area: Danno cerebrale dopo arresto cardiaco

Improving outcomes in cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation with kynurenine pathway inhibition

Sponsor: European Society of Anaesthesiology - ESA AISBL, Belgio

Research Area: Arresto cardiaco

Ricerca Finalizzata - RF-2016-02364318 - Selection of people at low cardiovascular risk: development of an inexpensive pre-screening algorithm using only non-laboratory measures. The SKIM risk study

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute, DG Ricerca e Innovazione in Sanità

Research Area: Rischio cardiovascolare

Ricerca Finalizzata - RF-2016-02361583 - Efficacy of Albumin Replacement and Balanced Crystalloid Solutions in Septic Shock (the ALBIOSS-BALANCED trial): a 2-by-2 factorial, investigator-initiated, open-label, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute, DG Ricerca e Innovazione in Sanità

Research Area: Shock Settico

Progetti di Rete IRCCS - Rete Cardiovascolare - Implementation of mobile Health and eHealth approaches for optimal cardiovascular prevention - IMPROVE Study

Sponsor: Ministero della Salute, DG Ricerca e Innovazione in Sanità

Research Area: Prevenzione cardiovascolare

SECURE - Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly, a prospective randomized clinical trial comparing a polypill versus standard of care treatment strategies in post MI elderly patients

Sponsor: Commissione Europea

Research Area: Malattie Cardiovascolari

ESCAPE-NET - European Sudden Cardiac Arrest network: towards Prevention, Education and NEw Treatment

Sponsor: Commissione Europea

Research Area: Malattie Cardiovascolari

Treat_CCM Clinical Trial - A multicenter randomized clinical trial on Propranolol in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation (CCM)

Sponsor: Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco AIFA

Research Area: Malattie rare, CCM

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R. Zanier
Head of Department
Dipartimento di Ricerca Danno Cerebrale e Cardiovascolare Acuto
Department Assistant
Dipartimento di Ricerca Danno Cerebrale e Cardiovascolare Acuto
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor
Dipartimento di Ricerca Danno Cerebrale e Cardiovascolare Acuto

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