The Department of Acute Brain and Cardiovascular Injury investigates brain and cardiological conditions, including epilepsia, traumatic brain injury, stroke and cardiac arrest aiming at improving the disease course and prognosis.
Brain and vascular damage associated with these conditions leads to severe chronic cognitive and/or motor impairment and/or recurrent epileptic seizures in a high percentage of patients.
Developing therapies for these patients is, therefore, a priority.
The aim of the Department is to develop preclinical models and foster the interaction between laboratory and clinical activities, to:
Prospective preclinical and clinical studies of gut microbiota, intestinal barrier, and related blood metabolites, following traumatic brain injury for developing prognostic biomarkers of chronic neurological sequelae, and for identifying targets to prevent the progressive evolution of brain injury and the chronic disabilities
Sponsor: Ministero della Salute - Unione Europea (NextGenerationEU-2-0069)
Research Area: Trauma cranico, microbiota
TBI-ADRD Modeling with a Team Science Approach (TBI-ADRD Team Science)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA-funded study
Research Area: Trauma cranico, malattia di Alzheimer
Ficolin-2-dependent mechanisms of morpho-functional evolution of unstable atherosclerotic plaques (FUN AT PLAQUE)
Sponsor: Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB), Regione Lombardia
Research Area: Malattie cardiovascolari, aterosclerosi
Natural history of familial cerebral cavernous malformations: the CCM_Italia cohort study
Sponsor: Ministero della Salute – Bando PNRR 2023
Research Area: Malattie rare
The Research Center for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS Center) brings together the groups that are involved in ALS research from an epidemiological, preclinicaland translational point of view.